
School Code - 30261

Affiliation No. - 1130354

I welcome you to SAPS & thank you for entrusting your child with us.
SAPS, is a vital & welcoming learning community committed to creating the best possible educational experience for every child. As importance of education is well known to all, we strive to provide a rigorous academic environment in a positive setting where each student can discover their own unique gifts & develop them to their potential.

The aim of education is to liberate the mind of narrow orthodox shackles & allow independent thinking individuals who contribute substantially to the fabric of the world. The schools offer an environment to its students which allows for their multifaceted growth & development into responsible citizens & professionals of tomorrow, when competition is favoured achievement is applauded & individual dynamism is encouraged.
SAPS, endeavors to provide education in the truest sense by training them to face challenges & complexities of life.

With excellent sports & education facilities, I see our students mind opening up. The mind is like a parachute its functions best, when it opens. The school promotes proper understanding of concepts, problem solving techniques & art of critical thinking. Every classroom presents a unique community of learners that varies not only in abilities, but also in learning styles. The school enjoys a caring & open environment where every member enjoys a sense of freedom of mind.

Our empowerment team of dedicated teachers, ably lead by the Principal, understand that every child, though unique in his/her own ways, have an innate instinct to create & therefore work on identifying & bringing out the creator in every student. For that various seminars & workshops are organized for the students & teachers to create awareness among them for their developments. I am sure SAPS will reach to its new goal with the collaboration of all the parents, teachers & dear students. So Together let’s build a society of aware & compassionate global citizen.
My Good Wishes to all.

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Mrs. Kishoritai Bhoyar
